Trump Talk

Ted Folkert

March 16, 2016

Like they used to say in my old neighborhood: “money talks and b.s. walks”.

When Trump talks, money talks and b.s talks.

Some have likened Trump’s rhetoric and tactics to Adolph Hitler. Is that a stretch? Maybe so, but it would be interesting to see a comparison. He is obviously a mentally deranged, egotistical, loose-lipped, coward who hides behind his body guards while lambasting everyone who disagrees with him. Are we are right on so far?

He throws out meaningless generalities like ‘“everything is going to be so good with me as president”, “America will be great again”, “I’m so successful because I am so smart”, “I am going to replace Obamacare with something much better”, “I’m going to create so many new jobs”, “I will make Mexico build a wall”, “now the wall just got 10 feet taller”, “I will tear up that agreement with Iran and bring them to their knees”, “I will show these other countries who we really are”, “I will build our military so much stronger that everyone will fear us” ………………………. blah, blah, blah.”’ B. S. talks.

What a pathetic, cowardly, creep. He has given the Republican Party the death blow that they have been deserving ever since they gave us Reagan and the Bushes – who did their best to destroy our economy and the peaceful coexistence with the world that we all prefer. It may take more than the Kook Brokers or Seldom Ablesome to finance the rebuilding of the GOP after Trump gets done with it.

We are so totally focused on fighting terrorism that we can’t recognize terrorism when it is right under our noses, hiding in plain sight. Trump is a terrorist, a cowardly terrorist, like most of them are. If someone grabbed him by the shirt and he had no bodyguard around he would have to go change his trousers. He incites violence at his political gatherings and then encourages harsh treatment of protestors, which would be considered unlawful if anyone else did it. Now he threatens us with statements that suggest riots if he is denied the candidacy, another attempt to strike fear in the minds of detractors. How did Hitler deal with detractors?

This guy is a loose cannon. He probably doesn’t know what that is but just ask anyone who has been in warfare and they will explain it. The reason the Republicans are sticking with him is that they don’t have any other creep to offer to get the country back on track of failure like the last regime they gave us. Those kind of people are hard to find. But they found Trump and now they are stuck with him. All they can do now is hold their noses and vote for him. They must continue to support him while he throws around his school-yard expletives and criticizes the way his opponents appear or speak or think. He lies through his teeth and has no fear of legal challenges since he has more money and bigger bullies following him around than anyone else. Did Hitler have any bullies around?

He insults every woman who challenges him, insults minorities, insults immigrants, insults his opponents, insults Muslims, ignoring the constitutional provisions requiring freedom of religion, and lies through his teeth every time he opens his mouth.

Trump is certifiably narcissistic, totally absorbed and obsessed by his own wealth and power. He registers off the charts on the Richter scale of mental stability, practicality, and common sense. His reading doesn’t even register on the scale of the common good. To him the common good is what is commonly good for Donald Trump. Screw all of those other worthless, incompetent, under-financed, ugly, unintelligent, and insignificant losers. Does any of these characteristics sound familiar?

The GOP has been pulled so far to the right side of political thought that the thought of a balanced government is a thing of the past. It is the right-wingers way or the highway. No compromise, no consensus of opinion, no intelligent negotiation, no common sense, no common good.

Donald Trump is about to change the name of the GOP, the Republican Party, to the Party of What’s Good for Trump. We may be a one-party system in his aftermath for quite a while. And that may not be a good thing.

Think about it!

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