Rolling Stone Edition – November 2020:
“Biden will be confronted with the challenge of rebuilding a government corrupted by Trump and his henchmen. The current administration, led by a president impeached for inviting foreign interference in our elections, has politicized pillars of our government that previously operated above the fray. Attorney General Bill Barr has acted as the president’s personal lawyer, telling U.S. attorneys that they work not for the people but for the president. Even the Postal Service has become complicit in Trump’s anti-democratic schemes, with Postmaster Louis DeJoy ripping out mail-sorting machines in blue districts to disrupt the election. “At the heart of DeJoy’s and the Postal Service’s actions,” a judge ruled in September, “is voter disenfranchisement.”
Trump is a narcissist and an egotist, a shameless liar and an open bigot, a man who simply cannot understand the notion of sacrifice for the greater good, even as he demands unthinking fealty from those in his service.”
Sean Wilentz tells us that: “Before Donald Trump got himself infected with the coronavirus, he had firmly secured his place as the worst president in American history.” He further tells us: “By refusing to pledge to a peaceful transition of power should he lose, Trump has revealed hid plan for a coup d’etat, with Republican support.”
Tessa Stuart tells us that: “The sheer volume of changes to U.S, policy has been staggering under Trump, and it will take a huge investment of time and money to undo.”
The Rolling Stone further states: “…. the country has been reeling with a broken man at the Resolute Desk. Trump is a narcissist and an egotist, a shameless liar and an open bigot, a man who simply cannot understand the notion of sacrifice for the greater good, even as he demands unthinking fealty from those in his service.”