Populist action – the only answer

Populist action – the only answer

Populism unleashed – comment from Jim Hightower,The HIghtower Lowdown

The only way we have ever gotten positive change, from the founding of our country until today, has been from populist movements or populist pressure from the proletariat.

Jim Hightower sees, “positive populist change coming from within the workaday people of grassroots America.”

He says. “.. a rebellion is steadily spreading against the unrestrained avarice and arrogance of today’s domineering corporate elite.” He continues, “except for important voices such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, it’s not even discussed on the national stage, as though the powers that be think they might make it go away by pretending it’s not there.”

Read the Hightower Lowdown – www.hightowerlowdown.org.

He thinks there is a major rampage festering among us: unbridled and insatiable corporate power – that we are no longer fooled by “the cloak of civic virtue that the corporations have wrapped around themselves.” In other words. “who elected these manipulative profiteers to run our country and our lives and why should corporate rights be superior to human rights and the Common Good.”

He introduces us the three groups who are challenging corporate power:

United Workers Congress – www.unitedworkerscongress.org – consisting of: day laborers, domestic workers, farm workers, formerly incarcerated workers, guest workers, restaurant workers, taxi drivers, and workfare workers. Now the adjunct college professors have joined the coalition.

Global Exchange – www.globalexchange.org – is presently helping California cities and counties establish democratic control of fracking, food sovereignty, and setting standards for a sustainable city.

Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund – www.celdf.org – is providing legal expertise for the community rights movement.

Read The Hightower Lowdownwww.hightowerlowdown.org,

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