Hilary may be what the GOP needs

Hilary may be what the GOP needs

Ted Folkert

August 22, 2014

Some people believe that Hilary cannot win an election and that nominating her will open the door for a right-winger in the White House – AGAIN! I don’t think Nate Silver has weighed in on this subject yet but maybe he should since the possibility is frightening, to say the least, for those of us who believe that the government should represent all the people.

Some people say they fear another Clinton in the White House. Not because of any of the embarrassing juvenile episodes that occurred during Bill’s tenure, but because he turned out to favor the bankers and corporatists, which has been proven to be in the best interest of the rich and powerful, not all of us. The shining example, of course, is the elimination of the Glass Steagall Act, which prevented the banks from gambling with our money, which initiated the mad fury for big bucks, which created the financial debacle from which we proletariats are still suffering. And if you read the recent article in Mother Jones, “The Chevron Communiques” by Mariah Blake, you may get that stomach pain that is created by fear and anguish and frustration.

According to Mariah Blake, Hilary’s State Department created an entire bureau and she personally worked diligently to encourage “fracking” all over the world, acclaiming this practice of extracting natural gas as a panacea for cheap fuel and a path to energy independence. This was apparently done with the “involvement” of the energy companies (who would have thought?) and others who could profit handsomely from such practice, but with limited involvement of the environmentalists.

Fracking is a method of using high pressure to break up shale deposits so they will release the carbon products for extraction. One would wonder if the fact that this practice significantly disturbs the thin crust of this planet, which has encrusted this molten rock for billions of years and provides a place that enabled life and a place where we can continue to live, was entered into the decision to sell this idea the world over. The practice of fracking, which the energy companies dearly love, is believed to affect earthquakes and underground water supplies, a couple of factors that would seem to be worth considering if we plan on continuing to inhabit this molten rock for a century or more.

When Hilary personally visited Bulgaria and Romania she was greeted with protesters carrying placards saying such statements as: “Stop fracking with our water” and “Chevron go home”. Apparently, the citizens of these countries pay more attention to saving the planet and the basic necessities of life than to getting cheap fuel for their homes and cars – and do not feel compelled to make the energy companies richer and richer. Apparently these people don’t rely upon them for campaign contributions to enable their fearless leaders to retain control of the largess of the public treasury and gain the training and influence necessary to join the lobbying corps and make some real money.

Hilary offered to fly in the best experts on these practices to help these countries master this technology. I suppose we all know who these experts were, of course – the oil companies, Chevron, Halliburton et al. The same companies who ended up with lucrative contracts the world over to assure the success of this amazing discovery. She appointed a guy by the name of David Goldwyn to head up this effort. He, of course, worked for Bill Clinton in the energy department and directed the US-Libya Business Association. (A scary name if you ask me) He apparently shilled for the oil companies throughout this endeavor, even though he denied it, and then left under inexplicable circumstances. Guess where he is now. You guessed it! A lobbying firm. When Mariah Blake approached Goldwyn recently about why he left the State Department, he ducked out a side door. Hmmmm.

And now we hear that Hilary, when asked what she would do if Iran attacked Israel, stated that “I would annihilate them.” Of course, that is probably just Hilary trying to sound tough, but is that her final answer or is that just her unadvised decision and merely a rhetorical comment?

If Hilary has too much baggage to be elected, it seems that we need some alternative candidates on the Democratic Party side of the contest.

Think about!

Read the article: http://www.motherjones.com/about/interact-engage/get-free-access

Convince someone today to help us elect better leaders, Please!

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