Gun Violence or Civil Rights, our choice!

Gun Violence or Civil Rights, our choice!

Ted Folkert
April 3, 2018

The National Rifle Association, including their vocal members, and other gun advocates, always have the same explanation for gun violence other than the easy access and ready availability of guns, especially so-called assault weapons, those which can kill dozens of people quicker than you can say assault weapon.

Their answer for deaths instilled by anger isn’t access to a gun, it is anger.

Their answer for deaths instilled by a troubled mind isn’t access to a gun, it is a troubled mind.

Their answer for deaths instilled by a deranged mind isn’t access to a gun, it is a deranged mind.

Their answer for deaths instilled by viciousness isn’t access to a gun, it is viciousness.

Their answer for deaths instilled by maliciousness isn’t access to a gun, it is maliciousness.

Their answer to deaths instilled by revenge against society isn’t access to a gun, it is revenge.

In other words, guns have nothing to do with any of these episodes of spontaneous or planned violence and massacre, it is always carried out due to the malady, not the convenience of immediate action to release of pent up or spontaneous maladies by murdering people, usually completely innocent people.

Let’s be honest, intelligent, and civil minded – that worn out cliché of “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is a pure cop out and protection of personal pleasure or personal profit, nothing else. Those who make these statements don’t even believe it. It is merely self-interest protected at the expense of community interest, the interest of our families, friends and everyone else except the gun advocates.

Let’s be honest, intelligent, and civil minded – we cannot cure all of the cases of anger, troubled minds, deranged minds, viciousness, maliciousness, or revenge.

Let’s be honest, intelligent, and civil minded – the only way to deter this kind of violence and loss of life is to keep the guns out of the hands of potential perpetrators – and ban assault weapons of all types for all times.

Then maybe our children would be safe in school once again! Imagine that!

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