Diamond in the Rough

Diamond in the Rough – Expose’ of Ineptness

Ted Folkert

January 19, 2016

“The Hightower Lowdown” – it’s the name of a publication. It is also an expose’ of ineptness. Ineptness – doing nothing – see no evil, hear no evil – a disease that we allow to fester, a contagious, infectious disease which only we can cure.

The Hightower Lowdown jumps out at you in a pile of mail, like a “diamond in the rough.” You pull it out and lay it in safe keeping. You know it is going to be a dose of reality, something you know is going to both cheer you up and make you angrier. Cheer you up because of the penetrating, revealing, disclosing, accusatory – yet erudite, yet clever, yet courageous manner that the subject matter is presented. Make you angrier because of the reminder and exposure of the pathetic governance we have allowed to destroy any hope of equality of opportunity, of distribution of the benefits of the abundant society that we have all created with our contributions to the common good – a sharing of living standards, nutrition, education, health care, and reasonable assistance for those who need a lift.

Jim Hightower writes a monthly message which should be required reading for all. He gives us the true facts and figures, the undisclosed realities of governance, the names of the culprits, the wrongs they have done, the crimes they committed, the sleight of hand, the smoke and mirrors, the self-servitude, the avariciousness.

If you read him in depth, he is inspiring. He makes you want to go out and hunt the culprits down and bring them to justice. And at the same time he makes us chuckle in dismay at the idiocy of our own enabling of these unrepentant and untreated addicts of wealth and power. We enable them on election-day as we vote against our best interest – again and again and again. We enable them when we fail to speak out as we listen to the misguided and idiotic messages of those who are brainwashed by the spokespeople for the rich and powerful, no matter how abhorrent it seems to those of us who strive for equality for the common good.

Hightower’s latest offering of his political acumen talks about the Bernie Sanders campaign for president. He talks about his encounter with an unnamed Democratic campaign consultant who stated about Bernie that “his chances are slim and none and Slim doesn’t live in Bernie’s precinct”, and “who’s gonna vote for some old senator from a tiny state of Birkenstock wearers – plus, he is some sort of socialist and he’s Jewish.”

Hightower goes on to state that the ‘“Sander’s Sensation”, a vibrant grassroots uprising has already shattered the Democratic Party Establishment’s holy myth that corporate centrism and SuperPAC money are the only means of victory.” That “stupendous crowds are streaming into arenas all around the country to hear Bernie’s fact-studded speeches…”

Hightower quotes Sanders: “I am not running to fulfill some long-held ambition. I never believed that I would ever become a mayor, a congressman or a United States senator. I am running for one simple reason: This country today is facing extraordinary crises in terms of climate change, income and wealth inequality; in terms of a political system which is now corrupt and leading toward oligarchy; in terms of the middle class; in terms of more people in jail than any other country on Earth, and in terms of an immigration policy which is clearly broken. I just do not believe that establishment politics are going to address these issues… we need millions of people to stand up and fight back.”

This is just one example of the political brilliance of Jim Hightower and his tenacious and tireless dedication to better government. He presents his case, including the irrefutable facts to back it up. He exposes the culprits. He calls em-like-he-sees-em, with his candid, take-no-prisoners style.

An expose’ of ineptness, a diamond in the rough.

Read the article: Can an unabashedly progressive presidential campaign actually win this November?

Subscribe to Hightower Lowdown: http://hightowerlowdown.org.

I think you will be glad you did.

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