Trump’s Trash Talk

Trump’s Trash Talk

Ted Folkert

What do we know about the candidate for President of the United States that the Republican Party offers us, not only offers us, but tells us that he is the best they have to offer?

Here are a few things he told us about himself:

  • No one is a better businessman than he is.
  • No one can make deals like he can.
  • No one is smarter than he is.
  • No one could do as good a job as he can.
  • No one is wealthier than he is.
  • No one is more handsome than he is.
  • Things will be great for everyone with him.
  • America will be great with him.
  • No one will pay as much taxes with him.
  • Everyone will be better off with him.
  • The world leaders will love him.
  • Putin will love him.
  • We will wall out immigrants with him.
  • We will deport immigrants with him.
  • We will kick ass all over the world with him.
  • We may use nuclear weapons with him.
  • We will tear up treaties and disregard commitments with him.
  • We will make the other countries bow down and pay homage to us.

Here are a few things we have learned about him:

  • He dislikes Mexicans.
  • He dislikes Muslims.
  • He dislikes minorities.
  • He dislikes most women.
  • He likes Putin.
  • He wants to kick ass all over the world,
  • He hates Hillary Clinton.
  • He hates Elizabeth Warren.
  • He hates Barack Obama.
  • He thinks prisoners of war should have been killed instead of captured.
  • He was a perennial draft dodger.
  • He is a bloviating bully behind body guards.
  • He bankrupted several companies.
  • He defaulted on numerous bank loans.
  • He is crude and rude to anyone who challenges him.
  • He makes up and tells lies about his opponents.
  • He disrespects the parents of fallen war heroes.
  • He makes racial slurs against African-Americans, Muslims, and other foreigners.
  • He slanders any member of the media who disagrees with him.
  • He has been rejected by numerous dignitaries from his own party.
  • He has nauseated the French president and other foreign leaders.
  • He accused Japan and South Korea of freeloading on defense.
  • He has questioned compliance with NATO agreements.
  • He threatens to tear up trade agreements.
  • The Mexican president has accused him of fascist tendencies.
  • Baltic leaders have been disparaged by him.
  • He was declared as unfit to be the American president by President Obama.
  • He vented anger at fire officials for doing their jobs at his rallies.
  • He called for investigation of a federal judge with a Mexican name for ruling against him.
  • He warned donors against him to watch out, that they better be careful.
  • He declares that he will issue illegal orders of punishment for political enemies.
  • He declared that Vladimir Putin is a better leader than Obama.
  • American foreign policy experts declare him to be unfit to be president.
  • He urged Russia to hack into Hillary Clinton’s emails.
  • He hinted at declaring the annexation of Crimea by Russia as legal.
  • He has challenged the importance of NATO.
  • He has called for using torture against political prisoners.
  • Former Republican Pentagon and State Department officials are supporting Clinton.
  • 121 self-described members of the Republican national security community signed a public letter pledging support for Clinton.
  • He declines to reveal his tax returns, stating that they are under audit.
  • Obviously, these returns are likely to reveal a predatory prowess that would again disqualify him from holding any control over the largess of the Treasury of the United States.
  • And, most recently, he suggested that “second amendment” supporters (gun control) maybe could prevent Hillary Clinton from appointing Supreme Court justices. Is this suggesting assassination?

If the above is insufficient to help you make a decision regarding the danger of such a person, who is obviously a “loose cannon”, having the capacity to wield the power of the presidency of the United States, just stay tuned. There will obviously be much more to come. His mouth is like a toilet that just keeps on running.

Think about!

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